Slice of life 7

At The Hospital

Read slice of life 6 first

That morning I went with my mom to the hospital and they put me in a wheel chair. And then into a room were they said to my mom I really need stiches. The doctor told me to take of my sock and I did I wanted to see the look on her face but I didn’t so the doctor dipped my foot in water so my foot gets  prepared for the stitches. I looked at my foot and it looked like it was sowed, like a shirt or something. When I got my stitches the doctor said come back in a week and so we did and it was time to remove my stitches. It felt even worst coming out then in, also during that time it was summer.

3 Responses

  1. Julian at |

    Can you still play soccer?

  2. dogtrax at |

    Yikes. That sounds like an experience worth writing about, but an unfortunate one. I like how your writing brought us into the scene, so we can see you in the wheelchair (sorry) and your foot with stitches. All sorts of things happen to us, all the time, and some become memories etched on us forever.
    Mr. Kevin Hodgson
    Sixth Grade Teacher
    Western Massachusetts


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