Slice of life 25

Pet Shelters

So today was a very long day, my family and I went to pet shelters. First we went to this small place were there was cats and dogs, some were injured. When we were about to leave part of my My family called me to come over. There it was… a cat with no fur and one eye, my mom was like poor cat.

Then we went to this huge pet shelter, first we went to the silent cat room and lots of them were adopted. After that the scary part comes in, suddenly “bark bark bark” they were so loud and some of them were banging on the cage. After all of that we went to different places.

P.S our day was so long that we started at 3:00 and them I’m here at 9:30

One Response

  1. 5B Bloggers at |

    Wow! That’s a long day. We found Milo at an animal shelter. Is your family looking for a dog or cat?


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